Orange Creamsicle

October 3, 2009 § 3 Comments


Last weekend my mom decided to organize the kitchen cupboards.  Three hours later, I walked into the kitchen and saw her hovering over a small pile of Tupperware lids without bottoms, bottoms without lids and a bunch of marred cutting boards. She quickly ushered me over to another pile of “cool stuff” which included some terrific “finds” —  junk we vaguely knew we had in the house but weren’t quite sure where to look for it.  Highlights included a single-serving casserole dish (!) and six, small popsicle containers.

There are about five gazillion combos of flavors you can attempt when making your own popsicle, so don’t feel like you have to stick strictly to these proportions below.  Also, don’t feel daunted if you haven’t found six random pop containers lurking in the back of your cupboards.  Just use  small, freezer-proof plastic cups or disposable paper cups and popsicle sticks.

Small recipe for three little pops:
1/2 cup plain, whole-milk yogurt
1/2 cup orange juice
1 tablespoon maple syrup
3+ teaspoons dark chocolate, slivered
1 teaspoon orange zest

Mix OJ, yogurt and zest in a bowl.  Once combined, ladle a few spoonfuls of mixture into each pop container.  Sprinkle chocolate chunks into each cup and using a spoon, stir to let some of them sink toward the middle.  Insert plastic attachment or popsicle stick all the way down, into the cup/container.  Freeze at least 6 hours before serving.  When ready to serve, simply dip molds/cups in warm water before unmolding.

Diet Notes: Gluten-free, nut-free

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